Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Shopaholic in Paris

Many people are Love shopping and I believe that they actually Live for shopping!
We all know that Paris is a shopper's dream. There are many attractive places in Paris can drive people to be shopaholics.

I will mention some places in Paris below.

1- Les Halles :
Rue Montorgueil and Les Halles in Pictures

2-Galleries Lafayette :

3-Shanzelize Street :

Here is an article about Paris and how it is the irst chioce for shopaholics. I think that it is right and it is so important to maintain the everage of sopaholics in Paris because they are increacing daily!

Here is a game called ShopaholicParis


  1. Your R perfect sheikha about the picture & the style of the speech ;) .. i feel interesting about PARIS HHHh !

  2. yea me too when i saw the pictures i wanted to be a shopaholic just to spend all my day there =P nice work classmate!!

  3. Hhhhh, no we want to decrease it!
    Any way thanks ladies.

  4. 1- Why is Paris shopaholics' dream?

    2- What are the signs of shopping addiction?

    3- Are there any famous people who are addicted to shop in Paris?

    4- Do you think that the UAE's cities can be attractive as same as Paris?

    5- Do you have any suggestions to decrease the shopping addiction in Paris?
