Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Diary


To fail in something is really depressing. That is how I felt today, I was really disappointed!! I know you are wondering what is the thing that  made the girl with loudest laugh sad =P!   

Today was my driving license's try, and I failed. I felt terrible, it was like the end of the world to me o_O. I went to home and I slept for 8 hours and I could not get enough. After waking up I started to realize that everybody faces problems and it's not an easy thing to do. Failure means that it is the beginning of new thing. You should thank god if you fail. Maybe it's a good thing for you or me to fail. I will try the best in my second try and I will tell you what is going to happen. 

Oh and study hard girls, and good luck =D.


  1. wallah I know this feeling shahoola.. you are right if we fail it must be something good because we learn form what we do and from that we got experience =))

  2. sha'hlaaaa my hard dear dont worry inshallah you will be pass in the seconde exam and try to forget what you did in the exam and start new day with a big biiiig biiiiiiiiiiiiig smile really i love your smile :D

  3. Shroofi, You are my lovely model in this thing =P you got in the end =D ! Slami dear i love everything in you (k)!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that!
    good luck in ur next try my beloved shahla =)
