Sunday, February 26, 2012

The things women do for beauty

Before you think "OMG that's so crazy/disgusting/weird!!!" try to imagine why they do it.  What does it mean to them? Are they suffering for their beauty? Do you know of any other customs like this? 


  1. I say 30% of women do all this beauty stuff for themself and 70% for men... and subhanallah how beauty is different from time to time.. like before how people did it and now how people do.. now when we all see what was the beauty before we all laugh but on their time it was awesome and if we show them what we do now for beauty they will laugh at us... i think it's happened a lot. when ur grandma see u doing beauty stuff she become angry and say (what ur doing?) then she start to tell u the long story about what they use to do for beauty and so on... lol
    I mean to say everything on his time is good.. you will look stupid if u did what ur grand grandma use to do for beauty.. people have to change, infact they need to change if they wanna live in this wold.. =D

  2. its a stange think that i cant see it .... W3 ><

  3. OMG this is all stupid, but i guess one of the reasons was men and the other is traditions because maybe it was for men first then the generations took it as a tradition for women!!!

    i will never do this even for beauty i prefer to stay ugly hahah =P
