Monday, February 6, 2012

                                                                 About ME !!

Today is my second day at level seven and I am almost used to it. You are properly saying that it is not true but I really felt comfortable with my teacher, friends and the new student. I have listened to a strange story from my sir that happened to him when he lived at Korea. I actually had a secret desire to try it O__o I know you are curious about that story. It may makes you vomit =P but am going to say it. Once upon a time he was challenged by his students to eat a dog's meat which was his first time to hear about it and not only trying it. I was surprised when I knew that he accepted that challenge. If it was me I prefer to die. However what is more surprising my secret desire to try it =O !!! Do not tell anyone huh =P 
Here we got to the end of this thing which is me and what I like. I love to do, try, play and everything else if it is new for me =D I usually feel it is like an adventure for me, see you next time with a new story about me.


  1. I like what you wrote, waiting for your new story ;)

  2. Intersting story! liked it.
    But if i was in his place i would never and ever think about doing it!
    Can't wait for your new my beloved Shahla.
