Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hi crazy girls ^^
I brought for you a video about a bolyood shopaholic girl !!
Enjoy   it

so there are 3 Q which are: 

  1. What is she addicted to ? 
  2. How much dollars  did she spent in two years?
  3. How did she feel  after shopping ?
  4. Why she think that she should to shop a lot ?
  5. What is her parents mistake?
  6. How older she is?
done by : Mariam Almazrouie

1 comment:

  1. What is she addicted to ?
    She is addicted to shop.

    How much dollars did she spent in two years?
    She has 17 thasands as a debt,

    How did she feel after shopping ?
    She feel alive and having everything as she think.

    Why she think that she should to shop a lot ?
    Because it is something make her feel good and better than the girls next to her.

    What is her parents mistake?
    They encourage her by shopping by saying if you get a good grades you will go to shop.

    How older she is?
    She is 20 years old.

    Thank you Memo, good choice.
