Sunday, February 19, 2012


This is MAXPEPSI commercial

it's funny one, the target is all the society it's not specific.
It's about the benefit of having friends that can do anything for you.. Of course it's not good but they brought it in a funny way..


  1. OMG shahoola.. I saw the same acting on the movie... I didn't know they steal it from them lol... I didn't found the link to show you but you can have the name of the movie, it's Desi Boyz(nice movie) >>> if u wanna see it ask me for it =D

  2. hhhhhhhhhhhhh i want friends like ther hhhhh

  3. Im intersted in that shroofi <3 !!

  4. Woh ! when i was in grade 8 my friends do the same 4 me but on the other way ! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but honestly try it you will feel YEEEES I IOVE YOU FRIENDS ! :D

    The story is i had a low mark in math then the teacher give the paper 4 the responsible , then the teacher told me that i have 2 go their and discussion with her! So i feel scared ! & my all friends told me that dont be feel like this we will help u ;) >> they put in their paper the same mark and they act like they care about the grade ! then when we had go their the responsible said that she want me ! all my friands enter with me ! she said i call REEM only ! they said wait ms we all have the same mark & she dont told you she only pick REEM , then she said so the exam was very hard thats why all girls had this mark ! than she call the teacher & change the exam 4 us .. when we go out we shout like thats better YEEEEEEEEEEEES then we heard a voice we locked behaind us we saw the teacher with a big red eyes & she said i will make only 6 paper of a hard exam for you all << hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
