Sunday, February 26, 2012

Smallest waist !!

Is there any end to what women will do to try to enhance their beauty?

i guess not.. Here is an article about a 71 year old Cathie Jung who has the smallest waist in the word.. Since 1999 she held the Guinness record tittle for 6 years. The "Smallest Waist on a Living Person" with 15 inches measured waist.

In my opinion she has strong will of couse or she won't keep a rib around her 24/7!!

leave a comment please = ) !


  1. heheh i think this looks cool in cartoons but in real life it's crazy...
    thx love ;)

  2. its like in cartoons yah but when you see it it like W3 not intersting hhhhhhh

    thanks shahla

  3. oh my god!! this is so unbelievable
