Sunday, February 19, 2012

Prince Charming

Hello beautiful girls,
 How are you all?? inshaAllah fine =)

Anyhow, I have this sweet and short topic.. we all dream and think about our future husband and we want them to be different then others so I want to know how do you want your prince charming look? or be?

If you ask me I will put very very short list ^^... I would love to have my prince charming little funny, good looking + good body ( not that good looking, only little good looking so girls don't bother him loool), romantic, patience, I don't want him to be very very rich, just medium rich, amm what else? I think thats all,, ooh no no one more thing and I don't want him to be COMPLEX.. bas =D

One last thing, do you think your prince charming exist??
I think maybe.. >,<

Love to see your all comments (KISS)


  1. Replies
    1. looooooooool... am sorry u cant hun cuz i will never ever agree to share my husband wih someone else.. ;D

  2. Ammm let me see!! My prince charming should b like this, keep on his prayers, loves his family because if not he won't love me or i want trust that love.. However, he should understand me as i understand him.. romantic, funny and awsome personality!! i want him to have a good job! not that good but something he can handle our needs with.. what else!! i know you are all shocked but keep reading =P he might be exist =)). He should be generous and honest.. i guess that it!!

    i wish i could find that guy one day <3

    1. InshaAllah u will find one =))

    2. Wow shahoool you every thing in your hard you say it hhhhhh

  3. mmmm my prince i would like to be a handsome , kind , wise and respect what the women need and how to behave with the women . i want him to be tall , have big eyes .

    also i want him to a funny man in the house and other man outside the house .
    for example out side i dont want him laugh with anyone.

    i want him to balance in every thing , and every thing have time like fun and serious.

    really i have a lot to explain but i feel shy hhhhhhhhh

    1. heheh 7bibti don't shy, what u was saying is nice =D

  4. Hhhhhhhhhhhh !

    i think that thing i dont have comment on it !

    sloom i would like 2 came to your wedding 2 see you ;P really !

    1. weeee Reeemooh you are the first gest Dear and the the first chair =D
