Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hi girls,

Our unit for this level is talking about addiction so today i brought a strange type of addiction which is shopaholic. here is a lady her name is Ginger she is suffering from clothes addiction, it gives her self-steam but eventually that leads her to fill into debt. She treats clothes as her drug which is real because her brain has a chemical crush into shopping. However she needed a help so she was send to a therapist who is specialist in breaking addiction, it's considered as her moment of therapy. 

  A summary about jenger, she buys everything in the mall from clothes, shoes and objects and she never get bored from buying these stuff. You can say that she is living in a shop that has the everything in, she even has a closet in her garage. Her debt is really huge for a person who gain a 100.000 a year. That almost threat her marriage and job. She said " that walking nearby a shop she used to shop in and not getting inside is as a punishment to her ". Actually her problem started from the 70's when her father was giving her his credit card carelessly and letting her buys whatever she wants. It might be genetic to be an addicted in her family.

 In the end, she has a secret of becoming like that if you are curies watch the video and you will know.


  1. yea i know =( how sad i hope she can really get released of her addiction !!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi there,
    Here are my questions that i picked from the vedio i posted.

    1) What did she used to do when she sees something she likes and already have?

    2)What was the phrase that the therapist told her to say when she sees something she likes?

    3)When did the addiction started?

    4)How did she describes the situation when she pass by a shop and she does not get in?

    5)Describe her home with one word !

    I hope they are not hard to answer =)
