Monday, February 6, 2012

First Post

Hi ladies, welcome to the blog.  You're going to spend a lot of time here, so get comfortable.  As you know, this is worth 2% of your final grade, so learn how to use the blog quickly, and add a lot of content.

A couple of rules:

1) Every time you post, write your name in the 'Labels:' box.  That way, it will be easier for me to see what you've done on the blog and your grade will be a complete reflection of the work you've done.

2) Comment on what other people write.  Blogging is boring without feedback.  It's fun to see that others are reading your work and writing back.

That's all for the rules.  Have fun.


  1. This sounds cool, i am so excited =>

  2. Thank you sir . It is difficult but in the same time it's nice ^^

  3. Thanks sir. I hope that we will enjoy with it. ^^
