Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Before 50 years ago you could not  listen there are people who crazy and addicted to shopping.  But now a days you will hear it a lot and it consider as a serious problem.  Shopaholic means uncontrollable  urge to shop and psychology disorder.  This essay will discusses the problem of shopaholic people and there are two possible solution for it.  One is asking for counseling and the other one is looking for another activity.
The problem of shopaholic is caused by psychological or mental disorder.  And it has two serious effects which are having a high debt and depression.  Mental disorders are generally defined by a combination of how a person feels, acts, thinks or perceives.  The shopaholic girls like to buy things even she do not wont it  because she feel happy and better after she shop.  And if she see another girl looking better than her she will have low self-stem.  Also  if she did not shop she will feel depress.  However, the first effect is  debt.  This means the people who shops a lot have a high mount of bell and may be they are required  from banks.  The second effect is depression and it mean “an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts, that affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things” (reading).
Shopaholic has two possible solution.  The first one is  counseling and it may will help  to change her idea about herself and about shopping.  Moreover, she can also ask for a shopping plan.  The other solution is looking for another activity.  According to DR.Fell  since the shopaholic one feel that she wont to shop she should to do another thing far from shopping mall and shopping market.  Such as skiing, camping, swimming.
This essay has described the problem of shopaholic.  It caused by mental illness.  The effects are debt and depression.  and the solutions was asking for counseling and the other one is looking for another activity.  In my opinion, these people should ask for a help from beginning to not have a serious problem and to be easier to  reform.

done by : Mariam Almazrouie

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