Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where the money goes to women ?

Every body ask this qus. where ? ya ! really where !! Here you will see =))

Wait 4 your comments girl (y)

Korean Wave!!

In 1999, reports of an emerging “Korean Wave" in Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong and other Asian countries started to come out. Korean dramas continued to spread throughout Asia, achieving mainstream success in Japan, China, and Southeast Asia, as well as carving niche markets in Europe and North America.

Korean pop music, referred to as K-pop (an abbreviation of Korean pop), has become a large part of the Korean Wave. In recent years, Korean entertainment companies have started to recognize YouTube as a key component to the international spread of Korean culture. According to Bernie Cho, president of a Seoul-based agency specializing in the marketing of international K-pop acts, the entertainment companies are "aggressively steering their efforts to go international via the Internet".

 The Korean wave also reflects the spread of other aspects of Korean culture, including food, clothing, video games, and the language. Korean drama (Korean : 한국드라마) refers to televised dramas, in a miniseries format, produced in the Korean language. Many of these dramas have become popular throughout Asia and have contributed to the general phenomenon of the Korean wave, known as Hallyu (Korean : 한류), and also "drama fever" in some countries.  Most popular Korean dramas have also become popular in other parts of the world such as Latin America, the Middle East, and elsewhere.

NOW those were the information that i brought about my topic which is; Do you think it worth to spend your time watching a drama that is totally different than what you used to watch? also what is the most common reason for Korean Dramas increasing?

family problem

These days, women have more responsibility than men, and have patience to endure any problems in the community is facing her. Because of marital problems that produce them...

why do women care more about house affairs than men do?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chinese Foot Binding

Chinese Foot Binding

Foot binding was a custom practiced on young girls and women for approximately one thousand years in China, it resulted in lifelong disabilities for most of its victims. Chinese foot binding involved binding the feet of women in order to shrink them - such that they could fit into 3 inch shoes. The Chinese foot binding shoes were called lotus shoes. Having small feet that were shaped like moon crests, was considered to be the highest form of beauty in women in China. Women with bound feet could not walk and had to totter about. This restricted their movements and led them to be around the house. And thus Chinese foot binding became a symbol of chastity and eroticism.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Poured Water!!

It is a strange old Turkish tradition..

Which is if someone is walking or leaving, it is poured behind him just after he walks about 2 meters or so. And the person who pours water should stay at the place he left from. But what is the meaning behind this? You know if you pour water, it meets the floor very fast, so pouring water behind someone leaving means wishing that person go and turn back as fast as that water meets the floor..

i saw this in turkish Series so i thought of searching about it to know more and i knew that it's an old tradition that nobody does it now that means it disappeared..

In southern sudan

In southern Sudan and some African countries have Strange belief .
They distortion thier daughters. 
It means she very beautiful. If their daughters dont have the distortion she dont beautiful and she cant be marriage.

I like it hhhhhhhh....

The weirdest traditions in real life !

So guys today I brought you some videos of The weirdest beauty traditions :

Teeth Chiseling

lip plate

Its really weird how peoplare able to do anything for beauty and how its change from country to another!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

traditions in Korea !!!

  Shoes off

When entering a Korean home, you must remove your shoes. To do any less is a sign of great disrespect.

Koreans have a special relationship with their floor, on which they sit and often sleep. A dirty floor is intolerable in a Korean home, and they view Westerners as backward savages for remaining shod in our living rooms.

The strangest traditions in Africa @@"

Today i found many strange traditions in Africa

 For example

  Mauritania: They prefare the FAT and wihte or brown women and if the woman become fater the men are desire her as wife. Against the men, the women are prefare the man to be Thin and Tall also if the man become taller the women are desire him as husband.

South Africa : They prefare the black women and the Black Skin and the Blad. thats make her Purity of  race and her origin.

In Somalia: The husband beating his wife in the wedding in front of every one even her family to recoganize the wife that her husband is Strong and Man :S ( Is it party wedding or place for the recognition and punishment ????)

Hope you enjoy my post <3
Looking for you comments .......

A Short History of the Corset

In the 18th century, stays are definitely underwear. Only in case of the Robe à l'Allemande, the stiff bodice survived until about 1730, in case of the French court robe even longer. The shape of stays is not much different from that of the 17th century: Conical, pressing the breast up and together, with tabs over the hips. The tabs are formed by cuts from the lower edge up to the waistline that spread when the stays are worn, giving the hips room. They prevent the waistband of the skirt from crawling under the stays, and the waistline of the stays from digging into the flesh.
There are stays that lace at the back (Diderot calls them corps fermé, closed stays) and those that lace across a stiff stomacher in front (corps ouvert, or open stays). Examples that lace both back and front (but not over a stomacher) are quite rare. Stays that lace in front only are even rarer and so far only known to me from the region of Southern Germany. In all these cases, spiral lacing is used.
Although 18th century stays were not meant to be seen, they are often quite decorative, with finely stitched tunnels for the boning, precious silk brocade and possibly gold trim. The inside, on the other hand, usually looks downright sloppy, even in outwardly fine stays.
The basic shape of stays didn't change the whole century long. Towards the end, around 1790, when dress waists begin to wander upwards, the stays become slightly shorter. Since paniers were not worn anymore, the skirt is supported by small pads sewn to the tabs. At the same time, physicians make themselves heard, warning against the harm done by tight-lacing. While lacing wasn't usually overdone as much as one century later, it often started earlier: It started with tightly wrapping babies and included children's corsets, forcing the still soft skeleton into a fashionable shape.

Smallest waist !!

Is there any end to what women will do to try to enhance their beauty?

i guess not.. Here is an article about a 71 year old Cathie Jung who has the smallest waist in the word.. Since 1999 she held the Guinness record tittle for 6 years. The "Smallest Waist on a Living Person" with 15 inches measured waist.

In my opinion she has strong will of couse or she won't keep a rib around her 24/7!!

leave a comment please = ) !

Japanese traditions !

Hi girls .. her you can see the movie of japanese dance its nice but amazing o.o

..  just see & have fun with it ^^

The History of Black Teeth Make-up or Ohaguro

According to archeological researches done on ancient tombs and burial mounds somewhere in Japan, the custom of Ohaguro or blackening the teeth had existed since the prehistorical ages. Dictations of it were even included somewhere in the famous novel, Tales of Genji or Genji Monogatari and Tsutsumi Chuunagon Monogatari that were written in the Heian period and within the ukiyoe art of the Edo period.
The term Ohaguro itself is a word used by the Japanese aristocrats. In Japan, it existed from ancient times, and it was seen among the civilians up until the end of the Meiji period.perhaps you’ll wonder why would the wife of the samurai would dyed their teeth black? Other than being thought as beautiful, other guesses include that they want to maintain dental health and protecting ugly tooth as such. Besides, a woman who has black teeth is obviously a married woman and no man should try to woe her.

The things women do for beauty

Before you think "OMG that's so crazy/disgusting/weird!!!" try to imagine why they do it.  What does it mean to them? Are they suffering for their beauty? Do you know of any other customs like this? 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Beliefs and superstitions specifically at engagement

In our belifes when the man comes to a request by a woman for marriage and when women wear the ring if the ring took place on the ground that makes their luck unhappy and disappointing.

Also one day before the wedding the husband does not have to see his wife and some of the beliefs says he shouldn't not see his wife, a full week.

sometime i belife this superstition because my gradmother said its ture what do you think ?...

lookig for your comments <3

Friday, February 24, 2012



My IELTS exam is tomorrow I'm really nervous. It is not like it is my first time to do it, but it's alwas terrifying and devastating... Amm I guess I will do ok in'sha'allah.. I want to get a good score that can allow me to have the equivalency exam.. But I'm wishing deeply to have band 6 deeply to get throw this all..

That's it.. wish me good luCk guys (K)!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Grammar Test Results

Hi everyone, your grades for the test are on Blackboard.  Here is the data from the test so you can see how you did compared to your classmates:

greater than 1000
90 - 1004
80 - 892
70 - 795
60 - 692
50 - 593
40 - 493
30 - 390
20 - 290
10 - 190
0 - 91
less than 00
The average score is 67.5%, but this is largely because Shamsa didn't take the test and a 0% makes the average score way lower.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hi ladies !

Yesterday our ser talk about the wedding, and when i come her 2 write something i was think about the EMARATI WEDDING but waaaait! the people her dont put any movies about it and i just think that i will put for my uncle wedding! but i lost it before 1 year ><
but wait i have on the youtube but its Similar to ours
Wedding ^^

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A tour in Gulf Flower !!

One day our group decided to visit the enormous
 company of Gulf Flower. We saw a lot of experts 
 from all disciplines such as Beauty, Fashion and Star
 news. They hired excellent expert to show a good
 image about the magazine. However, they used
 many varieties of media like their show at ad channel
 and radio commercials. In the tour our guide was
 talking about the troubles that they face, the problem
 that attracts me was the nagging of the parents from
 their children’s obesity and they want article that
 talks about some solutions to end their children
 miserable life. A good thing that should persuade the children..

The expert worked hard to post many reports that
 talks about obesity and exercises to help. They
 thought about using the obesity commercials as a
 product placement to make their heading reports talk
 about obesity so that leads them popularity.  

Enormous Forest

                             Once upon a time there was enormous forest ever it is called (hakuna matata), everything in there is very big and tall, even the people were huge. Mr. Jonathan was an expert in images and photography at New York magazine, he was famous photographer in the media and he has a lot of unique work in his career. He decided to visit hakuna matata because he want to solve a serious problem. When he has arrived there , all hakuna matata’s people were nagging because they don’t want any strange person to enter their forest but Mr. Jonathan insisted to stay and talk with them about obesity because most of them suffer from health problems so he tried to persuade them to reduce the amount of food they eat that’s can let them to live long life. Then he brought some product placement to them. They didn’t accept it at the first but they used it after that.

Shrifa, Shaima, Salma, Sheikha

Our crazy story ;p

Once upon time there was a hot model her name is kitty she met the fat Joe and they got married in an enormous wedding,

he was expert in photography.  His images were all over the magazines, and his media appearance became more.  

So his wife starts to nag about his weight and his obesity. She tried to persuade him to lose some weight. After nagging and nagging he felt like he should lose a lot of weight.

Finally he became attractive with a slim body so he started to get in a product placements like Canon, Nikon and Kodak.

written by:
Shamma almansoori
Sara Alhosani
Shamma mubarak
mariam jassim
Reem Alnouman

MCD ads !!!!

One day the company did enormous advertising  by two experts. They made many images about MCD and put in magazine. Also they published the ads in different media many children when they saw this ads. They nag their parent to buy this food. After that disagree this ads because it leads to obesity problem for their children. The children try to persuade their parent to buy it because, they saw product placement in the cartoons which they love it.  


My simple story =b

On the a big city , there is a man called Jone , He works in a enormous company , He is expert in his job , He imagine the blog for the company magazine and edit it . The company is the leader on the media world , so Jone  works hard in his job , but the manager of this company is very nagging and obese , He always ask the employs to finish their work in high quality . By the day Jone become in high state in the company so he purchase to get married , then he purchase a clever home with perfect technology . One day the TV not work so he product placement .

Column 2 Story

One day, I walked into class.  Usually when I arrive in my classroom there are 20 crazy ladies waiting for me.  But on this day, there were 20 enormous cockroaches.  It was weird.  When I say enormous, I mean they were as tall as me.  They were wearing shailas and abayas.   I didn't know what to do, so I went on Google and looked for a pest control company in Khalifah City that could come and kill all the bugs.  It was obvious I needed expert help.

The pest control guy didn't understand when I tried to explain what was going on.  His English wasn't very good.   He asked me to send a picture to his email account, so I took out my cell phone and set it to image mode.  The cockroaches got really upset.  They covered their cockroach faces.  One didn't have a shaila, so sit used a magazine to hide its face.  That was weird too.  Then one of the cockroaches reached into its handbag and showed me a student ID card.  Whoa.  The cockroach had my student's stuff.  I tried to take the bag from the bug, but it got really upset with me, like I was trying to steal its stuff.  Then the bug tried to speak.  "Shisma.  Yanni.  Shu hada."  Then I realized: the cockroach was Shahla.

"Shahla, is that you?"

The cockroach laughed.  "Hahahahahahahahahha!"

Yes.  It had to be her.

Obviously, the pest control would be a bad idea.  Killing my students would get me in trouble.  I asked my director and he wasn't sure either.  "Is their English good enough to send them to GenEd? Let that department deal with it."

I went back to my office to think about the situation, and my phone rang.  It was a reporter from The National.  Somehow the media found out and they wanted to interview me.  "How did you turn all your students into giant bugs? Is it because they're late all the time?" I told her that I didn't want to talk about it, but she wouldn't stop nagging with questions.  "Is it because they talk when you're trying to teach? Is it ..." I hung up.

When I went back to the classroom, the students/cockroaches were taking all the garbage out of the trash can.and licking the old coffee cups and candy wrappers.  Cockroaches like to eat a lot, but there wasn't any healthy food in the trash.  Obesity was going to be a problem if we didn't find something better for them to eat.  This was such a weird day.  I mean, I'm just the English teacher.  I can't teach bugs about grammar, and I wasn't sure how to make them human again.  I tried being persuasive: "If you stop being cockroaches, I'll never take attendance again.  I'll give you copies of the exams the day before the test.  I'll let you watch movies every day in class."  It didn't work.  They were still bugs.

I was getting depressed.  Just then, one of the cockroaches said, "Sir, what does 'product placement' mean?" So I explained the word, and the cockroaches all wrote my explanation down in their notebooks  Maybe I can teach these bugs...

Some strange superstition in the wedding in UAE !!??

  When bride pinchs single girls . That brings good luck for single girls to  get married  .

  When bride friends drink her juice . That brings good luck for her friends to  get married.

  Many Emirates Bride must buy new clothes when she get married that get good luck for her in marital life .

How the moon was born!!

Here is a vedio shows how the moon was born.
I think that it is interesting to know about this thing!

How the moon was born!

Enjoy it =)  

UAE Superstitious

The Weddings 


In the UAE we have this thought of having a bad luck if the groom saw the bride before 24 hour from the wedding day!! Our grandparents said it's forbidden from ages =S I guess these day couples cannot stay away from each other so they are ignoring thit tradition. 

Iam looking forward your comments & posts!! 

Cutting Nails

Today we mentioned that Korea has the same thought for cutting nails at night but in a different way!! so i am going to write about another thing for nails, which is throwing them around the house is BAD and brings poorness! that is what our parent used to say for us and learned it from ages!!

Funny Picture

Imagine that you are without teeth..

Wait for your comments???

LoOk 4 Your Mistakes =))

Hi Girls ..

Hhhhhh i want you 2 found any mistake for the other girls & put it here with the name

maybe we will laugh & maybe we will be sad BUT! plz dont be sad we just want to have FUN =))


Monday, February 20, 2012

Dont play with the FROG ! =))

Do you know why ? =))

lock their & you will now why ! :D
Do not be afraid!!!!!!
Strange funny AD!!

English pronunciation hhhh

Hi ladies

I have a funny video i would like to share it with you . he make me lauge hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
 her is the video : Learning English pronunciation

hope you enjoy
looking for your comments

My best Doll

                                Hi Dolls :D

In my blog i will tell you about my best doll that i had when i was young . I  was whining to my  parents to have it . I was fall in love with this doll  

This doll is 
 today i bring the first commercial of her <3

hope you love my blog
Looking for your comments ;)