Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A tour in Gulf Flower !!

One day our group decided to visit the enormous
 company of Gulf Flower. We saw a lot of experts 
 from all disciplines such as Beauty, Fashion and Star
 news. They hired excellent expert to show a good
 image about the magazine. However, they used
 many varieties of media like their show at ad channel
 and radio commercials. In the tour our guide was
 talking about the troubles that they face, the problem
 that attracts me was the nagging of the parents from
 their children’s obesity and they want article that
 talks about some solutions to end their children
 miserable life. A good thing that should persuade the children..

The expert worked hard to post many reports that
 talks about obesity and exercises to help. They
 thought about using the obesity commercials as a
 product placement to make their heading reports talk
 about obesity so that leads them popularity.  

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